Mobile Billboard advertising drives audience On Line

Thursday, September 25th, 2014

Mobile Billboards promoting AIB Club Championship

Integrated cross channel advertising campaigns, combining on line and off line are just some of the challenges facing agencies & marketeers. The AIB #TheToughest campaign is a good example of how our off line, below the line activities, Mobile billboards & Adbikes, can create an awareness on the ground and drive the target audience to engage through social media. With our agile fleet we can position and reposition billboards targeting crowds at events, inform and direct to on line activities. Follows are some images of our Mobile billboards were out and about for the final of the 2014 All Ireland Football final in Croke Park spreading the word on the ground.  View some campaign videos

Tactical below the line promotional activities

Tactical below the line promotional activities


Mobile Billboards promoting AIB Club Championship

Mobile Billboards promoting AIB Club Championship